South Lane Mental Health Now Has A Solar Array

Solar Panels
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Our Solar Power Initiative

South Lane Mental Health wishes to thank Pacific Power and the Energy Trust of Oregon for their recent Solar Energy grants. We are excited to announce that we have completed our solar panel installation project, which is saving on utility costs and reducing our carbon footprint. This project is made possible with funding support from Pacific Power’s Blue Sky program participants and the Energy Trust of Oregon. Please see below for the real-time results of our production monitoring system, which provides historic and present generation data.

Because this new renewable project allows us to generate our own electricity, we save on energy costs — allowing us to dedicate more of our budget to our core mission of renewing hope and restoring lives through compassionate mental health care services, support, and advocacy.

Blue Sky is an opt-in program that gives Pacific Power customers an option to match all or part of their energy use with renewable energy — reducing their carbon footprints and driving demand for new renewable energy in the West. Customers choose from Blue Sky options that help power a stronger future for local areas by supporting renewable energy solely from the west, investing in community-based renewable energy projects at schools, community centers, and arts organizations throughout the region, and/or supporting native fish habitat restoration projects in Oregon. Blue Sky funding awards are made possible by Blue Sky Block option participants who are powering possibilities through awards that cover up to 100 percent of the capital costs to install qualifying, new renewable energy systems for non-residential sites in Pacific Power’s service area.

Since 2006, Blue Sky Block option participants have helped fund over 140 new, community-based renewable energy projects across Oregon, Washington, and California. The systems include solar, wind, geothermal, and other forms of renewable energy.

Why Go Solar?

Boost U.S. energy independence

The sun is a near-infinite source of energy and a key component of achieving energy independence in the United States. By increasing our capacity to generate electricity from the sun, we can also insulate our country from price fluctuations in global energy markets.

Create jobs to help the local economy

According to The Solar Foundation, the solar industry adds jobs many times faster than the overall U.S. economy. This growth is expected to continue. Because solar-related jobs tend to be higher paying and cannot be outsourced, they are a significant contributor to the U.S. economy.

Earn a great return on your investment

Solar panels aren’t an expense – they’re one of the best ways to invest, with returns rivaling those of more traditional investments like stocks and bonds. Thanks to substantial electricity bill savings, the average American homeowner pays off their solar panel system in seven to eight years and sees an ROI of 20 percent or more.

Protect the environment

Solar is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Buildings are responsible for 38 percent of all carbon emissions in the U.S., and going solar can significantly decrease that number. A typical residential solar panel system will eliminate three to four tons of carbon emissions each year—the equivalent of planting over 100 trees annually. Solar has no harmful emissions that pose a threat to the environment. Solar panels are recyclable and last a minimum of 25 years. They help reduce hazardous waste that coal and oil-based energy would have produced if used instead of solar. Solar reduces air and water pollution and does not emit greenhouse gasses.

Demonstrate your commitment to sustainability

Sustainability and corporate social responsibility are important components of an organization’s culture and values. They also produce bottom-line results. Increasingly, consumers and communities are recognizing and rewarding businesses that choose to operate responsibly. Businesses are finding that “green” credentials are a powerful driver of consumer purchasing decisions, creating goodwill and improving business results.

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South Lane Mental Health
Main Office
1345 Birch Ave.
Cottage Grove, OR 97424

We have multiple locations. If you are unsure of your appointment location, please verify with your clinician, or visit our "Contact Us" page for a complete list of addresses.

Phone: 541-942-3939
Fax: 541-942-9310
Business Hours:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM