Professional Educational Materials
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Resources for Our Professional Community

At South Lane Mental Health, we are a compassionate team of professionals who strive for continual education so we may better support our clients. We have provided some educational materials for other therapists below so we can all offer more productive and respectful intensive, outpatient, and recovery services to our clients. Everyone needs someone to talk to at one point or another. Together we can be prepared to be the best version of ourselves and show up for our clients.

Professional Resources

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

In 2020, South Lane Mental Health brought together a group of concerned staff to form the Equity and Inclusion Committee. We seek to promote equity and inclusion within our agency as well as the larger Cottage Grove Community. Our hearts go out to members of our community that have been impacted directly or indirectly by recent and historic violence against people of color. We believe that black lives matter, and we support those that seek justice and equity for all. The pain, frustration, and emotional toll that communities of color continually endure due to systemic racism add to existing disparities.

The time is now for all of us to work together to build stronger communities, address social, health, and economic disparities, and heal the divisions in our society. We call on all community members, especially those in leadership roles, to model compassion and strive for constructive solutions.

The Equity and Inclusion Committee produces newsletters with the intention of supporting and promoting Equity and Inclusion within our agency as well as with our clients and community. We hope each month’s edition will bring discussion, consideration, and shared language. Each edition will present a specific topic for discussion, with multiple resources for additional information and education.

EIC Newsletters

Volume 1

Volume 2 

Volume 3 

Volume 4 

Pronoun Usage

We’d like to pass along some information and tips for how we can all help to normalize sharing of pronouns. Those who are correctly gendered by others might wonder why we need to tell people something that they already get right. Sharing your pronouns helps normalize the process. It makes it easier for others to share their pronouns as they aren’t the only ones doing so. It also ensures that we are not making assumptions about gender or pronouns based simply on the appearance of others.

Easy Ways to Share Your Pronouns
  • Add your pronouns to your email signature.
  • Include your pronouns on Zoom (Note: if there are a lot of folks in a meeting, Zoom will truncate your name, so it is best to do: Eyrah (he/him) Lobsten.
  • Add your pronouns to your business cards.
  • Include pronouns on your Public Disclosure Statement.
  • Add your pronouns to your door or desk area.
  • Wear a pronoun pin.
  • Include your pronouns when introducing yourself “I am Laird, he/him, and…”

Kindly correct your coworkers and friends when you hear them using the wrong pronouns for another staff member, client, or mutual friend by noting the pronoun at the time, or by using the correct one in your next sentence: “I believe that Judea’s pronoun is they,” or “Last time I talked to Judea, they were curious…”

If you notice a coworker or friend struggling with pronouns, offer to practice with them.

Include nonbinary and trans when listing genders (For example: “Do you have any preference for the gender of your assigned therapist? Male, female, trans, non-binary?”)

Request a Presentation

We have experienced clinicians who are prepared to offer 1–2-hour training on a variety of mental health topics. Example topics include Attachment, Preventing Burnout, Setting Safe Boundaries, Suicide Prevention, Healing from Ethno-Racial Trauma, and Processing Grief and Loss.

Costs range from $150-$300 with discounts offered on a case-by-case basis. If you are interested or have questions, please reach out to us at or 541-623-6048.


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South Lane Mental Health
Main Office
1345 Birch Ave.
Cottage Grove, OR 97424

We have multiple locations. If you are unsure of your appointment location, please verify with your clinician, or visit our "Contact Us" page for a complete list of addresses.

Phone: 541-942-3939
Fax: 541-942-9310
Business Hours:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM