Outpatient Therapist and Manager of the Youth Outpatient Program
Haley’s responsibilities range from providing one-on-one and group support through scheduled and impromptu meetings with fabulous members of the youth outpatient team. She supports the management of the 6 shared play therapy spaces at the main office, including restocking materials (which is why she occasionally leaves a trail of glitter in her footsteps); tracking inventory for art/sensory supplies and snacks for youth clients; and conducting interviews for job applicants. The focus of the support Haley provides the Youth Outpatient Team members can range from logistical support with the electronic health record, practicing best standards with documentation, and collaborating on how to increase sustainability and satisfaction at the workplace while protecting against burnout and compassion fatigue. She also carries a small caseload of clients and provides individual and occasionally group counseling services, primarily with youth. This includes her role as the school-based therapist at Creswell High School.
Haley was born in Cottage Grove. Her family moved around a bit while she was growing up, before returning home to Cottage Grove when she was a teenager. (bonus fun fact: Haley was born in the old Cottage Grove hospital which is located across the street from SLMH’s main office on Birch Ave – the office where she currently works … talk about a ‘full circle’ moment in life!)
Haley started her journey as an intern at SLMH in May 2019. She joined the youth outpatient team as an employee in February 2020.
Haley loves many things about SLMH, including the genuine and authentic connections made between staff members that bring a sense of community within the agency. This leads her to feel cared about holistically as a human – not just an employee. Haley values the focus on sustainability in the services we provide as well as the workplace culture fostered in this agency. She also loves the presence and prioritization of physical, mental, and emotional safety at SLMH that then allows room for creativity and growth – the expectation is not to be a ‘perfect manager,’ but rather, a manager (or director, therapist, etc.) who can practice accountability when mistakes are made and who can ask for help or guidance when they are unsure. Lastly, Haley appreciates the variety of ways she can grow as a clinician and
employee within SLMH.
Being out in nature plays a significant role in Haley’s self-care and spiritual practice: exploring new and familiar hiking trails; running; playing around in the dirt (also known as gardening…); and trips to the coast. She also enjoys spending time with her people, ranging from one-on-one time to experiences of collective joy in groups, like live music events or community celebrations. Oh, and lots of laughter – the deep-belly kind of laughter where you make weird facial expressions and sounds!