Committed to Helping Every Individual

Mental Health Services

Everyone can struggle from time to time with their mental health. From children facing parents going through a divorce or transitioning between foster homes to adults requiring couples counseling or addiction recovery services, South Lane Mental Health provides a variety of beneficial therapies. We offer intensive services, outpatient therapy, and recovery services for people of all ages. Our goal is to help restore hope and renew lives for the people of Cottage Grove, OR, and South Lane County. Please call us to get started.

We Offer Resources for Clients


Youth and Family Counseling

South Lane Mental Health therapists work with children and families to address problems related to anger, depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, poor communication, as well as family changes/transitions and more.

Counselors specialize in the use of play, art, and sand tray therapy to offer children comfortable ways to explore, express, and resolve feelings about situations or events that may be distressing or confusing to them. Our facility is equipped with therapeutic rooms especially suited to expressive therapies with children.

Counselors also work with parents, grandparents, and caregivers to provide a safe place to express and explore concerns regarding their child. Additionally, with permission from caregivers, our youth counselors have experience coordinating with a number of community organizations, including the South Lane Relief Nursery, Great Days Early Education Center, Head Start of Lane County, South Lane School District, and The Child Welfare Division of the Department of Human Services.

South Lane Mental Health does not offer supervised visitation or court-ordered parenting classes. Families are encouraged to speak directly to their child’s therapist regarding the barriers and boundaries around providing testimony during custody cases.

Adult and Couples Counseling

The counselors at South Lane Mental Health use a variety of techniques to support individuals, couples, and groups. These include trauma-informed therapy, cognitive therapy, Neurofeedback, EMDR, group therapy, and more. We have the expertise and compassion to treat a range of mental health and emotional issues, including depression and other mood disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma, abuse, and anxiety disorders in individuals, families, and children.

Intensive Outpatient Support Services (IOSS)

IOSS is designed to provide additional behavioral supports to youths and families in addition to standard therapy treatment. IOSS is a “wrap-around service” because it works not only with the youth but with care providers and other service providers such as teachers, doctors, and the Department of Human Services, as well.

IOSS is used primarily with youth who display behaviors that risk their own and/or others’ safety. For example, if a youth is acting in a way that risks their foster home placement, is unable to maintain attendance in a classroom, or is displaying suicidality, self-injurious behavior, or major depressive symptoms, IOSS is an appropriate referral.

IOSS provides skills training, education, and case management support to youth and families, in addition to the therapy they are receiving. South Lane Mental Health provides this service in the Eugene and Springfield area and South Lane County.


South Lane Mental Health has counselors with special training in supporting LGBTQIA+ youth and adults. We strive to be an affirming agency and partner to this community.

We provide individual therapy, couples, and family therapy to LGBTQIA+ clients of all ages. Common topics and concerns include exploring gender and sexual identities, coming out, couples therapy, family therapy, parent support, and gender transition.

Neurofeedback Therapy

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that helps you harmonize your brain waves naturally (without medications). During the Neurofeedback sessions, your brain “learns” how to bring abnormally fast or slow waves into the normal range. This teaches self-control of brain functions by measuring brain waves and providing a feedback signal. This highly effective form of therapy involves simply relaxing and watching a video or movie while your therapist monitors your brain waves.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

South Lane Mental Health counselors may use EMDR if they believe it’s an appropriate treatment option. EMDR involves accessing traumatic memories through brief doses while the client focuses on something else with their eyes. After EMDR treatment, the client’s distress will dissipate, negative feelings are reformulated, and physiological responses lessen.

Medication Management

South Lane Mental Health believes that a team effort involving clients, family members and supporters, and medical practitioners can most effectively guide medication decisions that will best promote recovery. We provide mental health assessment and medical reviews, coordinate with primary care physicians, and provide direct medication management for those who would benefit from receiving these services.

Case Management Program

South Lane Mental Health promotes recovery, independence, and successful community living. Counselors and case managers work one-on-one with clients to develop a support system, stable housing, and stable income. Counselors and case managers check on clients daily and provide assistance with budgeting, shopping, and other independent living skills.

Crisis Services

At South Lane Mental Health, we accept walk-in and call-in crises Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to 4 PM. We have trained clinicians who are available to talk with you during these times. You may also access crisis services by going to your local hospital emergency department and asking to speak with a mental health worker.
Additional Crisis Resources
    •    The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline phone number is 988 or 800-273-8255. It’s available  24 hours a day in English and Spanish.
    •    Lane County Health and Human Services: 541-682-4035
    •    Eugene Department of Human Services, Child Welfare Division: 541-686-7555
    •    White Bird/Cahoots in Eugene: 541-682-5111
    •    White Bird/Cahoots in Springfield: 541-726-3714

Helping to Restore Hope

SLMH Office

Intensive Services

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

ACT is a treatment designed to be unrestrictive and accessible for qualifying members. The Assertive Community Treatment Association (ACTA) has developed key principles to guide this form of treatment. These include:  

  • Providing out-of-office treatment in a community setting or the individual’s home
  • Acting as a primary service provider for a range of treatment services
  • Offering individualized treatments designed to meet each person’s needs and help them reach their goals
  • Helping clients become better integrated into their communities and gain access to needed services
  • Helping address the needs of family members who are also affected by offering support
  • Providing psychoeducation so that people can better understand their condition
  • Offering vocational support to help people acquire both life and job skills

Because ACT is so adaptable, it can be utilized to address a wide range of needs.

If you would like to refer someone to ACT services, please have a member of their current care team send a completed referral form to the Lane County Specified Point of Contact, David Dodson, the Exceptional Needs Care Coordinator, Lane County Choice Model.

Please reach out to David Dodson with questions regarding the referral process.

Phone: (458) 221-0213


Bohemia Residential Community (BRC)

The Bohemia Residential Community (BRC) is SLMH’s flagship program. The BRC is an adult foster home for up to 5 individuals. Residents receive theraputic and case management services and direct support with their daily living skills from our dedicated and caring staff. Referrals for this program come from our partnership with Lane County.

Experience a Renewed Life


South Lane Mental Health’s Center for Recovery is a substance use disorders treatment facility that offers outpatient treatment services for disorders including alcohol, illicit substances, prescribed medication dependence, and behavioral issues. Our goal is to help our clients reach sobriety. We believe that the recovery experience should at least meet the addiction experience.

Our services include individual counseling, group counseling, peer support services, case management services, and referral services. We offer services specifically tailored to provide support infused with experience that enhance an individual’s potential for recovery success.

We recognize that each person who struggles with these issues has a unique history, set of circumstances, and challenges. That’s why our expert team works with each individual to treat the whole person — physically, mentally, and emotionally.

We specialize in early intervention and accept clients ages 14 and up. Our recovery services program is located in downtown Cottage Grove at 75 S. Fifth St. Walk-ins are welcome. Call the recovery center at 541-767-4260 for more information.

Crisis Services Are Available

El Programa ALAS

Servicios de bienestar mental en Español South Lane Mental Health, ubicado en Cottage Grove, ahora ofrece servicios de salud mental para hispanohablantes en nuestra comunidad. El programa Alas apoya a adultos, niños, individuos, parejas y familias. Los servicios incluyen manejo de casos (navegación de recursos y educación comunitaria), terapia de grupo, terapia para individuos, y más. Como resultado del impacto de la pandemia COVID-19, la mayoría de las consultas están disponibles por medio de teléfono o computadora. Ofrecemos servicios en persona, dependiendo del caso. Si su preferencia es tener consultas por medio de la computadora, ofrecemos recursos de tecnología. Para más información o para hacer una cita, llame a 541-942-3939.

El siguiente artículo sobre salud mental, escrito por Peer Support Specialist Ana Garibay, y publicado en Noticiero Informativo identifica algunos de los desafíos que enfrenta la comunidad Latina en lo que respecta a la atención de salud mental, así como también cómo South Lane Mental Health puede ayudar.

Leer Más

Todos tenemos diferentes formas de describir la salud mental. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), la salud mental incluye nuestro bienestar emocional, psicológico y social. ¿Cómo afecta la salud mental a nuestra comunidad latina? La salud mental sigue siendo un tema tabú para las familias latinas. La enfermedad mental afecta a todos los grupos étnicos, pero especialmente a los latinos. 8,9 millones de latinos fueron diagnosticados con una enfermedad mental en los EE. UU. Durante el año pasado. La falta de comprensión del idioma inglés, el miedo a perder su privacidad, la desinformación, la falta de seguro y el estatus legal son algunas de las razones por las que no vienen a buscar ayuda.

South Lane Mental Health es una organización sin fines de lucro que ayuda a las personas en el sur del condado de Lane, el condado de North Douglas y Springfield, Oregon. Estamos ubicados en Cottage Grove, con una rica historia de cuidado y preocupación por los clientes. South Lane Mental Health fue organizada en 1988 por miembros de la Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana en Cottage Grove, para ayudar a las personas con enfermedades mentales que no tenían adónde ir. Inicialmente, la organización brindó apoyo residencial a cinco personas con enfermedades mentales graves, en una casa donada por la familia Woodard y miembros de la iglesia. Más tarde, la agencia pasó a proporcionar consejería a adultos y niños.

South Lane Mental Health ayuda a aproximadamente 2,500 adultos y niños cada año, a través de amplios programas de capacitación y servicios que comparten el mismo enfoque basado en fortalezas e información sobre el trauma, y ​​están diseñados para abordar las necesidades únicas de salud mental y bienestar emocional de cada individuo. Los servicios se ofrecen uno a uno, en sesiones familiares o en grupo. También ayudamos en la planificación, coordinación, seguimiento y evaluación de los servicios médicos para el individuo con énfasis en la calidad de la continuidad de los servicios, independientemente del estado del seguro o la habilidad de pagar.

Como padre, puede ser difícil de comprender y manejar las diversas y poderosas emociones de sus hijos. También puede ser difícil de apoyar a su familia en momentos de crisis. SLMH tiene muchos años de experiencia ayudando a una variedad de unidades familiares. Ya sea una pareja casada o una madre soltera con un recién nacido, los abuelos que atienden a los niños en edad de escuela primaria o familias mixtas con varios adolescentes, ayudamos a cualquier familia con necesidad. La meta es colaborar con familias para aumentar sus niveles de salud y felicidad. Nuestra misión en South Lane Mental Health es restaurar y renovar vidas a través de ofrecer tratamiento compasivo de salud mental, educación y apoyo en tiempos de crisis. South Lane Mental Health se esfuerza por brindar apoyo a adultos y niños con problemas de salud mental graves y persistentes para que puedan vivir de manera segura, independiente y productiva en la comunidad.

No importa su edad, la vida a veces puede ser difícil de manejar. Un poco de estrés y emociones fuertes son normales. Sin embargo, si tiene problemas en la escuela o se siente deprimido, enojado o abrumado con regularidad, podría beneficiarse de nuestro apoyo. Recuerde que estamos ubicados en Cottage Grove con una oficina satélite en Springfield. Nuestras oficinas están abiertas de lunes a viernes de 8 a. M. A 5 p. M., menos los días festivos. Para hacer una cita, llame al 541-942-3939. Nuestras recepcionistas son bilingües (inglés / español) y pueden ayudarle a hacer una cita con un terapeuta hispanohablante.

Trevor, M.A., M.S., Director del Programa

¡Hola! Soy un consejero bilingüe que se especializa en trabajar con clientes inmigrantes y multiculturales. Aunque nací aquí en Oregon, considero a México y España como mis segundos hogares. Me encantaría conocer a usted y su familia. Para más información o para hacer cita, me puede llamar o mandar un texto al 541-767-4235.

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South Lane Mental Health
Main Office
1345 Birch Ave.
Cottage Grove, OR 97424

We have multiple locations. If you are unsure of your appointment location, please verify with your clinician, or visit our "Contact Us" page for a complete list of addresses.

Phone: 541-942-3939
Fax: 541-942-9310
Business Hours:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM